Monday, 20 February 2012


well here's the thing...
it's like tsunami!
we all know it'll happen but 
never thought it's gonna be today~
nothing to say...
just speechlessss 
there's definitely no words that can describe it
have faith...cause GOD knows better!

Friday, 3 February 2012

excited and scared goes well together at times!

the flight is tomorrow!!!!!!
i am very2 excited but scared too
feels like it's only few days ago we planned it
never thought it would be true
either way..we're going tomorrow morning!
with the hope that we'll be able to catch a breath of fresh air when we are there
not having to worry about things(is this even possible?!!) LOL
whatever it is..we are just going to play hard like kids
just have fun and be a lil crazayy!!
sooo i'm not sure when i will update my blog
so,see yaaa!! take care!!! biiiggg hugggg!!!

*this lil wayne ft bruno is awesome!<3333 ---> mirror on d wall

Wednesday, 1 February 2012


we will be going this saturday,,about two days to go!
am nervous like crazy!!!!!
and we're packing lightly and will bring only important stuff..
hopefully it'll all be as smooth as butter! XD
dear bag-pack, please do hold-on to all of my things!okeyyyh~

and yess!!
YESTERDAY,was a very brutal day!
we had to fight the fastest internet country  to get a hold of a BIGSHOW 2012
which obviously at our disadvantage!
how are we supposed to get it when we're just trying to figure everything out and it's already SOLD OUT!!
our attempt was  a total failure! tskk..tskk..TT.TT
plaese,have mercy on us! give us some tooooo